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Previous Robot/ROV designs

2012-Warp XX
2013- Gatekeeper

BEST 2011 involved collected small bugs made out of toothbrushes (points for creativity!). Our arm had to open a small door in order to retrieve these "bugs"-but that's not all. We also had to pick up "flies" made out of 2 large Styrofoam balls. There were also tennis balls that needed to be placed in a bin-across a very rocky path! See more about it.

BEST 2012 was called Warp XX. In this competition, we had to work with a robot that used vertical movement-at all times. The robot needed no wheels to roll around, but was instead on a metal pole the duration of the competition. We had to pick up and drop off various objects on our space base at the top of the pole. The FIRST 2011 challenge greatly prepared us for this year's mission to space. Read more about BEST here.


BEST 2013 was Gatekeeper. It was composed of three stages: 1) Collect large transistors for a gate, 2) Put various gates together to create integrated circuits, and 3) Build their BEST CPU. Our robot implemented a heavy-loaded arm mechanism with a motor on the elbow. We mainly focused on reaching the transistors and flipping the wooden rods.


MATE 2012

MATE is another Robotics Competition that we compete in after FIRST, during March. The purpose of MATE is to solve challenges with your robot. With one slight catch- you're robot will be underwater. RMRET is proud to take on this challenge every year, as it gives us the opportunity to really push ourselves to new limits. Last year, we placed 3rd at the MATE competition. Learn more about MATE here.


2011 - Logomotion

2012- Rebound Rumble

2013 - Ultimate Ascent

The FIRST 2011 competition was our 1st FIRST compeition. Coming in as a novice, this was an amazing oppurtunuty to work with each other to build our largest robot ever! Standing at a towering 10+ ft at full extension, the purpose of this robot was to hang large inflatable squares, triangles, or circles. Of course, that was nothing in comparison to the next goal. A mini, stand-alone robot was to be created to  climb up a metal pole. As a novice team, we were extremely estastic to make it to the semi-finals in this compeition.

The FIRST 2012 compeition centered around basketball. Our robot had to shoot an inflated basketball at different heights to score points. Our shooter was able to rotate 360 degrees. We overcame many obstacles in this competition, and our proud of our progress! See it shoot!

FIRST 2013 was one of the most exciting and innovative FIRST's yet. This years competition had exciting elements like frisbee throwing, climbing pyraminds, 1,2,3-point goals, and more. Our team did excellent in the qualifiers, neck to neck with some of the best teams in the business! Unfortunately, we did not place in the semi-finals this year. But, we are not discouraged yet - be sure to check out the robot!

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